Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Lee Montgomery  Amandla:Bush NAACP commentary   
 2. Paul and Storm  Shake Machine [commentary] [commentary]  Opening Band 
 3. Paul and Storm  Shake Machine [commentary] [commentary]  Opening Band 
 4. Paul and Storm  Shake Machine [commentary] [commentary]  Opening Band 
 5. President George W. Bush  President Bush and Former President George H. W. Bush Attend Commissioning Ceremony of the U.S.S. George H.W. Bush - January 10, 2009  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 6. President George W. Bush  President Bush and Former President George H. W. Bush Host Reception in Honor of the Points of Light Institute - January 7, 2009  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 7. President George W. Bush  President George W. Bush - President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Dung of Vietnam - June 24, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 8. William Carlos Williams  Commentary 1  University of California, Los Angeles; November 15, 1950 
 9. William Carlos Williams  Commentary 4  University of California, Los Angeles; November 15, 1950 
 10. Daniel McCarthy  Commentary  ASC Panel: Security and Foreign Policy 
 11. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #3  UCLA; May/June 1955 
 12. Lee Ann Brown  Commentary  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-15-2004 
 13. Brother Ken Billings  Commentary 1 Cor   
 14. Robert Creeley  The Commentary  San Francisco State University / May-20-1956 
 15. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #4  UC Berkeley; May 19, 1955 
 16. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #1  recorded by Eyvind Earle, Van Nuys, CA; May 1955 
 17. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #1  Harvard University; December 4, 1951 
 18. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #1  Princeton University; March 19, 1952 
 19. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #4  recorded by Eyvind Earle, Van Nuys, CA; May 1955 
 20. William Carlos Williams  Commentary 1  University of California, Los Angeles; November 15, 1950 
 21. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #8  UCLA; May/June 1955 
 22. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #2  UCLA; May/June 1955 
 23. William Carlos Williams  Commentary #8  UC Berkeley; May 19, 1955 
 24. Broken Allegiance  Actors Commentary   
 25. Pendant Audio  Issue 27 - Commentary  Batman: The Ace of Detectives 
 26. Kay Zwerling  Kay Zwerling Commentary   
 27. William Holston  Commentary: Father's Day  Commentary: Father's Day 
 28. David Alexander McDonald  Midsummer Act One commentary   
 29. Paul and Storm  Epithets [commentary]  Opening Band 
 30. William Cushman  Courtyard commentary  2001 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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